How to make Coffee Crepes with Coffee Sauce and Ice Cream

Tuck into these light, crisp crepes speckle with ground coffee beans, wrapped around balls of vanilla ice cream inside each cone. Drizzle with the coffee sauce and serve.
2 tablespoons fine ground coffee
¾ cup all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon sugar
2 eggs, beaten
scant 1 ¼ cups milk
safflower oil, to grease
premium ice cream of your choice
Coffee Sauce:
½ cup heavy cream
3 tablespoons freshly brewed espresso
5 ½ oz. white chocolate, roughly chopped
Combine the ground coffee, flour, and sugar in a bowl, then make a well in the center. Beat in the eggs and about a quarter of the milk to make a thick, smooth batter. Gradually beat in the remaining milk, cover and let stand for 30 minutes.
To make the coffee sauce, put the cream, espresso, and chocolate in a pan and warm gently, stirring, until the chocolate has melted. Keep warm or let cool, as desired.
Preheat the oven to lowest setting.
To make the pancakes, heat a nonstick skillet until very hot, then moisten a piece of paper towel with the safflower oil and wipe over the surface of the skillet. Add a small ladleful of the batter and swirl to thinly coat the base of the skillet. Cook for about 1 minute until the edges are dry and the crepe golden underneath, then flip over the cook the second side for 30 seconds or so until golden. Keep warm in the oven while you make another seven crepes.
Fold each crepe in half, then into quarters to make a cone shape. Place a ball of ice cream inside each cone. Drizzle with the coffee sauce and serve.
Serves 4